Ladies, we had a fabulous time last night out at Chuck-A-Rama in Draper!
(insert cute photo here - I didn't take one, but a couple others did)
We really enjoyed just chatting and being with each other, with a smattering of book-related discussion thrown in just for good measure.
For our next meet-up, we'll read Pavilion of Women, by Pearl S Buck.
Orem and Provo libraries each have only one copy, sadly, so some may have to purchase this one.
We'll meet up on Thursday, June 9th,* 7-ish, have take-out of the Oriental persuasion, and hang out in Sar's hot tub!
*Sar &tc gone the 23rd, her Sis the 16th, so we backed it up to the 9th - which we hope works for most of us?