Thursday, February 17, 2011

Miss my girls!

Hey ladies!

It's February, so unless you met secretly last month, it's time to meet again this month, right?. Is there a book out there I should be reading? I just read my Christmas book (late, I know. I'm really behind these days) by Richard Paul Evans-- Promise Me. It's about love, of course--- fitting for the month. I love his books because I can read through them pretty quickly and I love a good candy read when I haven't had the chance to read in a while.

Where to have book club?? Jorgensen Castle? The Chocolate in Orem is a delightful and delicious place. My home is open. Should we venture up to Kiki's or Marcy's way perhaps?

Miss your guts, lovely Bookettes!!  I have your Christmas gift and my shower thank you's to deliver (still. So embarassing. you think I could just put a stamp on them and mail them, right?!)

I'm thinking it'd be fun to Bookette party tubbing, Just Dance on the Wii, and food that you all bring because it is always SO delish.


Marcy said...

Life keeps just getting busier, but I've been thinking of all of you! We better put some dates on the calendar or this book club is going to dwindle out of existence, I think!

I'm reading "The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie" and it's very fun.

bookette said...

Saw Sar & Liz on Tues, and we were just saying the same thing.
Jorgensen Manor would be avail, if that's what we all want. But I worry about the further afield among us - we need to go north sometimes, and it's been a while since we've seen Kiki's place. Or south, to Melissa.
The Blue Lemon in Highland is nice, and might be a good middle-ground for the northerners.
anyways, the real question is WHEN?
oh, and, I guess, what book to read. I'm always reading something, but I've got a stack of new books I'm holding back on, in case we want to read one of them.