Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Great Party - No Pics!

We had a great time at our party last week, but, somehow, nobody took any pictures!
(I even had my camera right there in my knitting bag, and I forgot to get it out.)

We did gifts right when we got there, before we ate or anything, which I think was nice, as it gave us time to ooh and aah over everything before anyone had to get going. Lots of creative, fun gifts! (Kiki, Michelle, and Margie - I have your gifts. Colleen - Sarah took yours. Missed you all!)

We ate, talked, laughed, and generally enjoyed each others company. So many good things to eat!

The white elephant exchange was a tad boring, to be truthful. Hardly anything was stolen, except the adorable Sesame Street shirt - I think we all wanted to take that home, Alisa!
And, I should really year, my white elephant won't be in the least bit suggestive or unfit for mixed company. Promise. I'm all done with that. Really. (Not that I was the only offender there.)

We tried to talk about next year, and what to read, but we didn't get far with that. I'll let Sarah fill you in on our plans. Basically, we're thinking every other month, but couldn't decide do we start in Jan or Feb, so maybe we should all weigh in here? I vote Feb, but only because Jan is so very busy for me at work.
Either way, we all need to come up with some great books - so get thinking, ladies!

Have a Very Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas Party Info

2010 Christmas Party is:

12/16 (Thursday) @ 7pm
located @ Stately Jorgensen Manor (that's my parents home) Great Room
A white elephant
A potluck dessert or side dish or whatever (soup & homemade bread provided)
Optional gift exchange
Mandatory good cheer!

(call or email for address/directions)