Wednesday, November 23, 2011

upcoming Christmas party

We've emailed a bit about this, but I wondered if not everyone is seeing the email (Melissa - it says "bounced" for yours - so that's one), so I thought I'd put a little something on the blog.

We're talking about Tues, Dec 13th, or thereabouts, for the Christmas party. Something in that week, anyway, if that works for everyone? I've only have one negative response for the 13th so far, so that might stick. But I'm open for the 14th or 15th as well, if those nights work better. So please take a look at your calendars and let me know!

It will be at The Manor again, like last year.

White Elephant gift exchange. (I promise, I'm done with embarrassing items. I have mine already, and it's not even remotely "questionable" in nature.)
Bring a treat to share (or did we want to do a dinner? soup & salad?).
Other gifting is entirely optional, so don't feel like you have to come up with something if that's not your thing, or if you're just feeling overwhelmed. Those of us that like to gift stuff won't be offended, promise.

1 comment:

bookette said...

P.S. I have stories to share. You won't want to miss out.